In The Super Series!!
"The Super Man" 25553 State Route 104 Chillicothe, Ohio 45601 e-mail: [email protected] |
Welcome to Tom's IH Antique Tractor Website. Tractors have always been a fascination to me, especially the International Harvester models. This started in 1957 when my Dad bought the first farm and a part of the deal was a 1944 Farmall H that was kept in the drive-through corn crib. The very first tractor Dad had before we bought the farm, was a Case VC. It was the first tractor I ever drove and I have searched and recently found one for the memories it would bring back.The next tractor was a Ford 8N (we still have it) that will not pull the hat off your head!! I am not looking for one!!!!!!!! The first "real" tractor Dad bought (in 1959) was a used Farmall 300; we thought we really had a tractor!! We turned up soil that had never seen the light of day!! I have that tractor, today, as a part of the collection. What am I doing besides chasing down tractors all over the country? Well, I retired as a school administrator about 14 years ago, do some farming on the several hundred acres we have in South-central Ohio, plus numerous rental houses. The antique tractor bug bit me several years ago and it is a hobby that got out-of-hand, with over 170 Internationals in the collection, plus about 12 Cases (remember the VC) Many of these tractors earn their keep on the farm today. Hope you enjoy the web site! I would like to dedicate the site to: Bob and
Miriam Harp, my parents, who elected to raise us in a
wholesome farm setting and taught us the rewards of hard
Mary Harp, My wife of 38 years who is low maintenace and has put up with this not so cheap "Illness", but is sure we are going to the poor house any moment!! __________________________________________________ |