Back in Time

The old equipment is used around the farm. That is part of the fun of owning it. Enjoy!!

Green chopping forages for the cattle, using the 856 and IH #10 flail chopper
The ole' girls earn their keep in the winter too.
The 856D and I both are cooling off.
450G and New Holland 273 Baler
Stacking Big Round Bales
Baling Proton Baleage
656 Hydro does the greenchop duties
Loading the tuber with the 560LP
Super MD # 7278J pulling a big load.We seem to have alot of it around here!!!
1958 450 gas doing the duties
Heaven is a good old tractor with the baler not missing any bales
Farmall 450G #5811 S pulling the bale wagon. Note the wide front has been added
The 1962 560D hooked to the #10 flail chopper. It has plenty of power for the task
SMTA #77256 S just finished raking hay. My wifes favorite to operate.
#15 Chopper Hooked to 350 Diesel
The 706 Wheatland Special ready for work
1952 Super WD6 # 604
Earning it's keep on the feed grinder
'54 Super C & FH Planter
This is a "neat" combination
The 1941 Case VC getting some exercise pulling the New Holland rake
Bale wagons can be difficult too, even with a good 450G on the front!!
560lp hauling in the bales
The 1206 pulling the no-till drill
Super M Diesel does a good economical job of raking hay
The Turbo 560 does a nice job on the haybine
The 1206 planting summer forages
Hay Crew
L-R 560D Turbo, 450 G, 560D
Balers are a pain when they don't tie

No-Till Corn with the 504 Gas
The Dodge is sometimes assigned lowly jobs like hauling hay. Pulling trailer and a wagon.
The 806 running a bale wagon - 2006

The 806's rest after picking up hay
856 and NH 644 Silage Special
Baling some third cutting

The 3588 panning dirt
Repairing flood damage was a massive job

The 650 LP pulls in the green chop
Winter Activity = Hauling in baleage bales for the cattle

Dress 510C; multi-purpose machine on the farm

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