Tractor has been apart and is going back together

Heading to the restoration shop

In Ohio, rescued from the grave

A close-up of the All Fuel Engine.
I know, the hood needs a latch.

In, what almost was, it's final resting place in Louisiana

Back on its feet

 Off to Tennessee
July  2005
Five of the 6 Super MV-TA tractors at the
2005 Red Power Round-Up
Lebanon, TN

The Ohio Chapter 6 Show
June 4 & 5, 2005
First Show- State IH Chapter 6 Show
 in conjunction with the

Buckeye Iron Will Show

Mansfield, Ohio

Rebirth of Super MTA-V #61726
The First One Built

There were approximately 60 of the Super MTA Hi-Clears built. According to Updike's book, this was the first one manufactured. Found in an isolated and hard to reach location in Louisiana, I will share the restoration of this wonderful find with all the tractor buffs out there.

She'll  look great after she's painted. Getting ready for Tennessee

Ready for the paint shop. Like most girls, looks good from the rear too

Here she is!!!
Ready for the Ohio Show and Tennessee!!

Off to the paint shop!!

Photo taken 12/10/04

Super MTA

Tom's      Antique Tractors