100 Series


1955 Farmall 100 #9997

This is a "Farmall" . Good runner, good tires and generally a tight tractor. Has the wrong grill and I need a better hood. Anyone have some nice straight ones to sell?  


200 Series

1955 Farmall 200

These tractors are similar to the Super C's. In fact, the casting dates are just a month different from my '54 Super C  

300 Series

1956 300 All FueL

Now this is a real uncommon version of the 300. This girl needs much work, but you buy the rare ones regardless of condition. Not only is it an all fuel, it is a factory TA delete and has the transmission driven PTO. The guy who ordered this one, must have been really frugal! 

1955 Farmall 300 # 5103 SJ

This is the family 300 referred to in the opening. Needs to be painted again. Have added PS and FH. Since I will never sell it, decided to make it more handy to use C 

1955 Farmall 300

This is the family 300 as shown above it. This was my Dad's tractor, which I finally got painted again in the summer of '08. He gave it to me in the summer of 1975 at which time it was painted and the engine overhauled. He is shown in the picture at 86 years young. After it was painted I hauled it to show him at his residence 

400 Series

1955 400D

(Before) This tractor has some nice features.
Near perfect sheet metal, factory wide front, fast hitch, nice set of old style rear tires,
extra long rear axles. I think this one is going to get refurbished and put into the collection 


 Same tractor. New paint 

1956 Farmall 400 LP # 40765 CS

This is a real nice original tractor with a high serial number 

1955 Farmall 400 Gas #16997 S

Another 400 that I picked up. Has power steering, runs good, has good tires 

1955 400 LP

Good running factory LP with a factory wide front, fasthitch, good rear tires. The TA even works. Trying to decide whether to sell or put into the collection 

600 Series

1956 International 600 Diese

Good running tractor with power steering.
I'm going to put rice and cane tires on the rear and paint it 

1957 International 600 Gas # 2009

 It is thought that only 36 gas 600's were built. There were 32 600 numbers issued for 1957. I know of one other gas of the 32 - #2015